This guide will show how to add a modal with a fields for prompt
, max_token
and temperature
These fields will be passed along to the OpenAI GPT-3 "complete" endpoint and used as the value for any field we want.
First we need to install the OpenAI laravel package, follow the installation guide, which in TL;DR form is the following:
composer require openai-php/laravel
Then add the OPENAI_API_KEY
environment value to your .env
Now lets add a Macro to the Filament\Forms\Components\Field
<?php use Filament\Forms\Components\Actions\Action;use Filament\Forms\Components\Card;use Filament\Forms\Components\Field;use Filament\Forms\Components\Textarea;use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;use OpenAI\Laravel\Facades\OpenAI; Field::macro('withAI', function ($prompt = null) { return $this->hintAction( function (Closure $set, Field $component) use ($prompt) { return Action::make('gpt_generate') ->icon('heroicon-o-sparkles') ->label('Generate with AI') ->form([ Card::make([ TextInput::make('max_tokens') ->label('Max tokens') ->default(300) ->numeric(), TextInput::make('temperature') ->numeric() ->label('Temperature') ->default(0.7) ->maxValue(1) ->minValue(0) ->step('0.1'), ])->columns(2), Textarea::make('prompt') ->label('Prompt') ->default($prompt), ]) ->modalButton('Generate') ->action(function ($data) use ($component, $set) { try { $result = OpenAI::completions()->create([ 'model' => 'text-davinci-003', 'prompt' => $data['prompt'], 'max_tokens' => (int)$data['max_tokens'], 'temperature' => (float)$data['temperature'], ]); $generatedText = $result['choices'][0]['text']; $set($component->getName(), $generatedText); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { Notification::make() ->title('Text generation failed') ->body('Error: ' . $exception->getMessage()) ->danger() ->send(); } }); } );});
And now we can use it like this in any of our fields!
And since we allowed the initial prompt to be edited, we can customize it like so:
Textarea::make('subtitle') ->withAI("Write a short compelling text intro for..."),
The macro idea was inspired by Hörmann Bernhard's tips named "Create a Tooltip macro".
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