Using tables with aggregated / grouped data
When working with tables for reports / statistics often aggregated data is used, e.g. grouped by day.
To customize the query overwrite the getTableQuery
in the ListPage
, make sure it returns also the unique key
protected function getTableQuery(): Builder{ return Participant::select( DB::raw('MIN(id) as id'), DB::raw('DATE(datetimecolumn) as date'), DB::raw('count(*) as total')) ->orderBy('date', 'DESC') ->groupBy('date');}
Obviously it makes no sense to offer a edit page for the grouped records, but when you want to show a modal or more details for the grouped row you can either overwrite resolveTableRecord
to return a model that should be used by $record
protected function resolveTableRecord(?string $key): ?Model{ return Participant::find($key)->first();}
Another way is to pass the key into a Action closure via $livewire->mountedTableActionRecord
and gather the data from there:
Action::make('Details')->action(fn ($livewire) => dump($livewire->mountedTableActionRecord))
i want to desplay a report in filament form join of my tables I can use this trick ??