Quickly fill in the form field (form hints, random passwords, clear input, format values)
Sometimes, for frequently used forms, it is convenient to have a selection of some of the most commonly used options on hand.
An effect similar to the following:
...can be achieved as follows:
DatePicker::make('remind_at') ->hint(function ($component) { $hint = '<div class="flex flex-wrap space-x-2">'; $dates = [ [ 'label' => 'Today', 'value' => now()->format('Y-m-d'), 'class' => 'bg-primary-500', ], [ 'label' => 'Tomorrow', 'value' => now()->addDay()->format('Y-m-d'), 'class' => 'bg-primary-700', ], [ 'label' => 'In a month', 'value' => now()->addMonth()->format('Y-m-d'), 'class' => 'bg-orange-600', ], [ 'label' => 'In a year', 'value' => now()->addYear()->format('Y-m-d'), 'class' => 'bg-red-600', ], ]; foreach ($dates as $date) { $hint .= ' <span wire:click="$set(\''.$component->getStatePath().'\', \'' . $date['value'] . '\')" class="font-medium h- px-2 py-0.5 rounded-xl ' . $date['class'] . ' text-white text-xs tracking-tight mt-[10px] cursor-pointer"> ' . $date['label'] . ' </span> '; } $hint .= '</div>'; return new HtmlString($hint); }),
In case of field which accepts multiple values the second argument for $set should be passed as array, eg.:
Select::make('users') ->label('Task for') ->relationship('users', 'full_name') ->multiple() ->hint(function ($component) { $hint = '<div class="flex flex-wrap space-x-2">'; $users = [ [ 'label' => 'John', 'value' => User::JOHN, 'class' => 'bg-primary-500', ], [ 'label' => 'Alice', 'value' => User::ALICE, 'class' => 'bg-sky-500', ], [ 'label' => 'Team JA', 'value' => implode(', ', [User::JOHN, User::ALICE]), 'class' => 'bg-violet-700', ], ]; foreach ($users as $user) { $hint .= ' <span wire:click="$set(\''.$component->getStatePath().'\', [' . $user['value'] . '])" class="font-medium h- px-2 py-0.5 rounded-xl ' . $user['class'] . ' text-white text-xs tracking-tight mt-[10px] cursor-pointer"> ' . $user['label'] . ' </span> '; } $hint .= '</div>'; return new HtmlString($hint); })
it can be used also for generating random passwords:
TextInput::make('password') ->hint(function () { return new HtmlString(' <div class="flex flex-wrap space-x-2"> <span wire:click="$set(\'data.password\', \'' . Str::random(10) . '\')" class="font-medium h- px-2 py-0.5 rounded-xl bg-primary-500 text-white text-xs tracking-tight mt-[10px] cursor-pointer"> Random </span> </div> '); }) ->maxLength(50) ->columnSpan(['default' => 2, 'sm' => 1]),
...clearing values:
TextInput::make('comment') ->hint(function ($component) { return new HtmlString(' <div class="space-x-2"> <span wire:click="$set(\''.$component->getStatePath().'\', null)" class="font-medium h- px-2 py-0.5 rounded-xl bg-primary-500 text-white text-xs tracking-tight mt-[10px] cursor-pointer"> Clear </span> </div> '); }) ->maxLength(50) ->columnSpan(['default' => 2, 'sm' => 1]),
...formatting, copying, selecting and so on.
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