• Tabs Widget

Tabs Widget

Plugin information

by alan lam

Admin panel Widget

This plugin creates widgets with tab layouts for Filament Admin.


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Tab Layout Plugin

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads

This plugin creates widgets with tab layout for Filament Admin.


Demo site : https://filament-cms-website-demo.solutionforest.net/admin

Demo username : [email protected]

Demo password : 12345678 Auto Reset every hour.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require solution-forest/tab-layout-plugin

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="tab-layout-plugin-views"


To build Tab widget:

php artisan make:filament-tab-widget DummyTabs

You will then define the child component 'schema()' to display inside:

use SolutionForest\TabLayoutPlugin\Components\Tabs\Tab as TabLayoutTab;
use SolutionForest\TabLayoutPlugin\Components\Tabs\TabContainer;
use SolutionForest\TabLayoutPlugin\Widgets\TabsWidget as BaseWidget;
class DummyTabs extends BaseWidget
protected function schema(): array
return [
TabLayoutTab::make('Label 1')
TabLayoutTab::make('Label 2')
TabLayoutTab::make('Go To Filamentphp (Link)')->url("https://filamentphp.com/", true),

Tabs may have an icon and badge, which you can set using the icon() and badge() methods:

Tab::make('Label 1')
// ...

Assign parameters to component

Additionally, you have the option to pass an array of data to your component.

protected function schema(): array
return [
TabLayoutTab::make('Label 1')
TabContainer::make(ViewProductCategory::class) //TARGET COMPONENT
->data(['record' => 1]), // TARGET COMPONENT'S DATA
TabLayoutTab::make('Label 2')

tab-example-1 tab-example-2

In addition to using the TabContainer component, you can create your own custom tab layout components by extending the TabLayoutComponent class or using command php artisan tab-layout:component.

For example, the following PHP code defines a FilamentInfoWidget class that extends TabLayoutComponent and specifies a ComponentTabComponent as the tab component to use. The getData method can be used to populate the component with data.

namespace App\Filament\Tabs\Components;
use Filament\Widgets\FilamentInfoWidget as ComponentTabComponent;
use SolutionForest\TabLayoutPlugin\Components\Tabs\TabLayoutComponent;
class FilamentInfoWidget extends TabLayoutComponent
protected ?string $component = ComponentTabComponent::class;
public function getData(): array
return [
// Data to assign to component

You can also use the php artisan tab-layout:component command to generate the code for a new tab layout component. For example, to generate a FilamentInfoWidget component, you can run the following command:

php artisan tab-layout:component FilamentInfoWidget Filament\Widgets\FilamentInfoWidget

After creating your custom tab layout component by extending the TabLayoutComponent class, you can register it on the schema of a TabLayoutTab instance.

protected function schema(): array
return [
TabLayoutTab::make('Label 3')
// ->data([]), // Also can assign data here


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.