• Filter Sets

Filter Sets

Plugin information

by Kenneth Sese

Admin panel Layout Table builder

Filter Sets lets your users save their filters, search queries, column order, and more into easily accessible filter sets


#filter-sets on Discord







This is the documentation for Filter Sets v1 which is compatible with Filament v2. Filament v3 users should upgrade to Filter Sets v2. Documentation for Filter Sets v2 can be found on Filament's new website: https://filamentphp.com/plugins/kenneth-sese-filter-sets

Filament Filter Sets is a powerful plug-in for Filament that allows you and your users to save Filament filters, search query, column order, column search queries, and toggled columns into convenient and easily accessible Filter Sets. Filter Sets are accessed through the normal Filament filter dropdown.

It also ships with our Favorites Bar which can displayed above your table for easy access to your favorite Filter Sets.


Let's say your users needs to filter their data using multiple filters. For example, they want to see all their high cost products, that are active, low in quantity, and were published in the last 4 months. Each time they would need this view they would need to perform 17 clicks to see that data! With Filter Sets they can combine those filters into just one group, name it Low stock items, and then have it one click away in the Favorites bar! 🥳


Check out a short demonstration of how Filter Sets works. Youtube video

And Filter Sets don't have to be that complicated to be extremely useful. Even A SINGLE filter added to your Favorites Bar puts data 1 click away as opposed to as many as 4.

Other Examples

With Filter Sets you can give your users quick and easy access to

  • 🚨 Products with low stock
  • 📰 Articles published this week
  • ❎ Large orders that were cancelled in the last 2 months
  • 💵 Students in High School with overdue fees
  • 📚 Library books that were checked out more than a month ago and are late
  • 🧠 Or anything else they want to filter!


  • Combine one or more of your existing filters into one easy-to-access Filter Set
  • Make your favorite Filters Sets one click away with the Favorites Bar
  • Store filter settings, searching, column ordering, column searching, and toggled columns
  • Includes four separate themes for the Favorites Bar
  • Includes a Filter Set Resource to easily manage Filter Sets
  • Users can make their Filter Sets publicly available to all users
  • Admins can create global Filter Set Favorites that will appear for all users
  • Powerful policy integration allows you to limit who can make filters public or global
  • Full support for Filament Tables (without Admin panel)
  • NEW - Now developers can create Filter Sets in code
  • Full support for dark mode
  • Support for translated filter indicators
  • Supports AdvancedFilter by Danilo Andrade


Example (with favorite bar link theme)

Example with link favorite bar

Filter Set filter selection

Filter Set filter selection

Filter Set creation

Filter Set creation

Filter Set Resource

Filter Set resource

Other Favorite Bar themes

Favorite bar tab Favorite bar branded tab

Dark mode

Favorite bar branded tab


Thanks for purchasing Filament Filter Sets!

Below you'll find extensive documentation on installing and using this plug-in. Of course, if you have any questions, find a bug, need support, or have a feature request, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected].

Let's get started!


Filter Sets requires PHP 8.1+, MySQL 5.7.8+, and Filament 2.17.37+.

Finally, you also need at least one filter already set up in a Resource in your project. Learn more about making filters.


Install with Composer

To install Filter Sets you'll need to add the package to your composer.json file:

"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": "https://filament-filter-sets.composer.sh"

Once the repository has been added to your composer.json file, you can install Filament Filter Sets like any other composer package using the composer require command:

composer require archilex/filament-filter-sets
Loading composer repositories with package information
Authentication required (filament-filter-sets.composer.sh):
Username: [licensee-email]
Password: [license-key]

You will be prompted to provide your username and password. Your username will be your email address and the password will is your license key, followed by a colon (:), followed by the domain you are activating. For example, let's say we have the following licensee and license activation:

  • Contact email: [email protected]
  • License key: 8c21df8f-6273-4932-b4ba-8bcc723ef500
  • Activation fingerprint: my_domain.com

You will need to enter the above information as follows when prompted for your credentials:

Loading composer repositories with package information
Authentication required (filament-filter-sets.composer.sh):
Password: 8c21df8f-6273-4932-b4ba-8bcc723ef500:my_domain.com

The license key and fingerprint should be separated by a colon (:).


It is not advised to store your auth.json file inside your project's version control repository. To store your credentials on your deployment server you may create a Composer auth.json file in your project directory using the following command:

composer config http-basic.filament-filter-sets.composer.sh your_account_email your_license_key_including_your_fingerprint_domain

Don't forget to append your fingerprint domain to your password.

You can see your credentials in your Anystack account: Anystack > Transactions > View details next to Filament Filter Sets.

Note: Make sure the auth.json file is in .gitignore to avoid leaking credentials into your git history.

If you are using Laravel Forge, you don't need to create the auth.json file manually. Instead, you can set the credentials on the Composer Package Authentication screen of your server.

Publishing the config files

Publishing the config file is optional, but recommended as it contains options like changing the theme for the Favorites Bar. However, if you use a User::class other than Laravel's default you must publish the config file and update it before migrating.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-filter-sets-config"

Finally, publish and run the migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-filter-sets-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can optionally, publish the language files:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-filter-sets-translations"


Setup: Filter Set Filter

To get started, you'll want to add the FilterSetFilter to your Resource's filter array. Of course you'll need to have your other filters created and ready to go. You can place Filter Sets anywhere in the Filters array, but it's recommended to be first to make it easily accessible for your users.

use Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Filters\FilterSetFilter;
class ProductResource extends Resource
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
// Your other filters

Setup: Favorites Bar

The Favorites Bar is not required, but is recommended since it gives your users easy access to their favorite Filter Sets. To display it, you'll need to use the Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Concerns\HasFavorites trait in the List* class (or Manage* class if you're using a simple modal resource) of your Resource.

use Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Concerns\HasFavorites;
class ListProducts extends ListRecords
use HasFavorites;

Setup: Filter Set Resource

The Filter Set Resource is where admins and users can manage their Filter Sets. It is automatically registered and added to the sidebar of Filament Admin. We'll cover later on how to change it's name, sidebar location, etc. by extending it.


Version 1.6 takes developer-created Filter Sets one step further and allows you to combine them into a dropdown. If you have a lot of developer-created Filter Sets then this feature is for you! Learn more



Version 1.5 introduces Filter Sets most requested feature: developer-created Filter Sets. This means that in addition to your user-created Filter Sets, you can now generate Filter Sets in code and deploy them for all your users! If you're familiar with Laravel Nova, it's like Nova Lenses.

Note: While developer-created Filter Sets were already on the road map, as I was developing the feature I discovered that Filament v3 has a similar feature called Tabs that will be available when it launches. The core Filament team was gracious to give Filter Sets permission to use a part of their implementation to jump start the development of this feature. Thank you Filament!

Upgrading to v1.5

  1. If you are upgrading from v1.3.x or lower, first follow the upgrade steps for v1.4.
  2. If you have already published the config file, add the following array to your config file:
'developer_filter_sets' => [ // <- Add array
'display_divider_in_favorites' => false,
'can_create_using_developer_filter_sets' => true,
'display_helper_text' => false,
'lock_icon' => null, // 'heroicon-o-lock-closed'

Note: Please take a look at the original config file to see additional notes and instructions.

  1. If you have published the lang files, add these options to your lang file.
'forms' => [
// ...
'note' => 'Note', // <- Add
// ...
'developer_filter_set' => [ // <- Add array
'label' => 'Predefined set',
'helper_text_start' => 'You are using the predefined filter set ',
'helper_text_end' => ' as the base for this filter set. Predefined filters have their own independent filtering in addition to the filtering you have selected.',
// ...
'notifications' => [ // <- Add array
'developer_filter_sets' => [
'title' => 'Unable to create filter set',
'body' => 'Filter sets cannot be created from a predefined filter set. Please build your filter set using the All view or any user-created filter set.',

Next steps

Now that you have upgraded to 1.5 learn how to create developer filter sets:

  1. Developer-created vs user-created filter sets
  2. Programmatically create a filter set
  3. Distinguishing between filter sets


Version 1.4 is a significant update to Filter Sets. Features include:

  1. Icons
  2. Colors
  3. Sizes
  4. A new theme: Links-simple
  5. Updated create and edit modal
  6. Refactor and code improvements


Themes: themes

Sizes: sizes

Updated create and edit modal: create

Upgrading to v1.4

v1.4 contains many new features that require some configuration. Follow these instructions to update to v1.4:

  1. If you haven't already, publish the config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-filter-sets-config"

If you have already published the config file, make the following changes to your existing config file:

'favorites' => [
'view' => 'links',
'all_icon' => null, // <-- Add
'icon_position' => 'before', // <-- Add
'size' => 'md', // <-- Add
'use_custom_theme' => false, // <-- Add
'colors' => [ // <-- Add array
'primary' => true,
'success' => true,
'warning' => false,
'danger' => true,
'secondary' => true,

Note: Please take a look at the original config file to see additional notes and instructions.

  1. Publish and run the new migrations to add the new icon and color columns to your filter_sets table:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="filament-filter-sets-migrations"
php artisan migrate
  1. If you have published the language files, add the new translation strings:
'forms' => [
// ...
'icon' => [ // <-- Add array
'label' => 'Icon',
'placeholder' => 'Select an icon',
'color' => [ // <-- Add array
'label' => 'Color',
'tables' => [
// ...
'columns' => [
// ...
'icon' => 'Icon', // <-- Add
'color' => 'Color', // <-- Add
  1. Table Builder Users: If you are using the Table Builder you will also need to update your view component and your ListFilterSets component. Admin panel users can skip this step and continue to Step 5.

4.1 Update your view components:

<x-filament-filter-sets::favorites-bar />

4.2 Add the following line to the top of your app.css file:

@import '../../vendor/archilex/filament-filter-sets/resources/dist/filament-filter-sets.css';

4.3 Add the following line to the top of your app.js file:

import '../../vendor/archilex/filament-filter-sets/resources/dist/filament-filter-sets.js';

4.4 Update your ListFilterSets component: Locate the updated ListFilterSets.php.stub file in the vendor\archilex\src\Http\Livewire folder and copy the changes into your ListFilterSets component. If you hadn't created a ListFilterSets component you can create one following the instructions in Managing FilterSets.

  1. Compile your assets:
npm run build
  1. Finally, if you are using policies to manage access to the app, v1.4 adds two new policies: selectIcon and selectColor. You can look at Filter Set's example policy for reference.

Updating existing Filter Sets

After upgrading, you can add icons and colors to your existing Filter Sets by editing them in Filter Sets Resource.

Next steps

Now that you have upgraded be sure to look at the different options available to you:

  1. Setting the All Icon
  2. Setting the button size
  3. Using a custom theme
  4. Enabling or disabling colors

User-created filter sets vs Developer-created filter sets

Filter Sets now supports both user-created and developer-created filter sets. (If you are coming from Nova think "Nova Lenses").

User-created filter sets are filter sets that are created by your users using your application's UI. By using the Filter Set Filter your end-users can create their own views into the data. Since each user has different needs, this allows for infinite customization within your application. (And less work for developers!)

Developer-created filter sets are filter sets that you the developer write in code and are then available to all your users, (or the users you authorize).

You can use them independently or together depending on your needs.

There is a fundamental difference between the two that is important to understand. With developer-created Filter Sets you are filtering your eloquent query using scopes and conditionals. With user-created Filter Sets you users are filtering the table using whatever Filament filters you have set up on the table. This means you can "filter" your data using a developer-created filter set without needing to have that filter on your table. User-created filter sets require a filter to be present on the table to work.

Modifying the eloquent query with a developer-created Filter Set also allows you to create more complex relative queries that would be hard to create in a filter or would require you code a custom filter. For example you could create a relative "Sales this month" filter set (->query(fn ($query) => $query->whereBetween('created_at', [now()->startOfMonth, now()->endOfMonth()] ))). This is hard to create out of the box since the DateFilter requires you to specify the dates. (You can also use AdvancedFilter for this.)

And then once you have a "Sales this month" developer-created Filter Set, your users can then use that as a base to create a user-created Filter Set that maybe filters by location, or sorts by customer name, or filters by largest amount.

However, this is also why you don't see filter indicators when filtering with a developer-created filter sets: you aren't using filters, you're using the query, which is why the section on distinguishing between developer and user filter set exists.

User-created Filter Sets

User-created Filter Sets are filter sets that are created using your application's UI. It allows your end-users to create their own views into the data. Since each user has different needs, user-created filter sets allow for infinite customization within your application.

Note: Be sure to check out the tutorial to quickly learn how to create a user-created Filter Set. You can even adapt the tutorial to help your end users create their own Filter Sets.

Using the Filter Set Filter

Creating a Filter Set

To create a Filter Set:

  1. On your resource table, filter your data using whatever combination of filters and searches you like. (You did create filters right?!).
  2. After filtering your data, click the + sign next to Filter Sets to open the Create Filter Set modal.
  3. Name the Filter Set and choose if you want the filter to be public, favorite, and/or global.
  4. Save the filter
  5. 🎉

When saving a Filter Set the following configurations will be saved:

  • current filters,
  • table search query,
  • column search queries (if enabled)
  • column sort order
  • and toggled columns will be saved.

Applying Filter Sets

Saved Filter Sets are available in the Filter Set dropdown. Choose the desired Filter Sets and all the saved filters will be applied to your data!

Filter Set order

Filter sets will be listed in the following order in the dropdown:

  1. Any global favorite filters
  2. Your favorite filters
  3. All the other filters including public filters

Persist Filters Sets to Session

If you would like your Filter Sets to persist in the user's session, you should add the shouldPersistTableFiltersInSession() method to your List* or Manage* resource.

protected function shouldPersistTableFiltersInSession(): bool
return true;

Persisting filters to the session will also persist your toggled columns.

Editing Filter Sets

To edit a Filter Set:

  1. Select the Filter Set from the dropdown. This will apply your filters to the table.
  2. Make the changes you need to the filters, search query, and/or column sorting.
  3. Click the + sign to bring up the Create Filter Set modal.
  4. Name the Filter Set the same as the set which you want to replace.
  5. Apply any of the public, favorite, and/or global settings.
  6. Save the filter.

Saving a filter with the same name will overwrite the existing filter, effectively editing the previous filter.

Using the Filter Set Resource

The Filter Set Resource is where admins and users can manage their Filter Sets. To rename, delete, favorite another user's Filter Set, etc. head over to Filter Sets in your side bar. Depending on your policies this is where you can view and manage all your Filter Sets. We'll discuss setting up policies later.

IMPORTANT If you don't apply policies, ANY user can rename, modify, or delete ANY Filter Set. Be sure to follow the instructions on how to add policies if this is not the desired behavior.

Rename a Filter Set

You can easily rename and edit a Filter Set's setting by clicking on it and then making the desired changes in the modal.

Change the order of the Filter Sets in the Favorites Bar

If you would like to change the order of the Filter Sets in favorites bar you can do so by enabling table reordering in the Filter Set Resource table. This will hide all other Filter Sets that aren't yours so you can reorder them. Note, this will show all your favorite filters sets across all of your resources. It is recommended that you also filter the table by the resource before sorting.

A few things to note on sorting:

  1. Sorting only applies to a user's favorite Filter Sets.
  2. Admin cannot currently sort other user's favorite Filter Sets.
  3. Sorting the order of global filters is not currently implemented.
  4. While sorting through the Filter Set Resource works, it's not the ideal UX implementation. A better implementation that allows sorting on the actual resource will be developed and released in the future.

Delete a Filter Set

Click on the Action button on the far right (you may need to scroll to the right to see it) and choose Delete.

Bulk delete a Filter Set

Click on the checkbox to the left of to the filters you want to bulk delete and then click the Bulk Action icon in the top right.

Easily toggling a filter's favorite, public, or global setting

The icons in the rows are actionable and can be clicked to quickly toggle the setting.


Depending on your application, you may not want to give all of your users the ability to use all the functions. Here are a few example situations:

  • You only want the administrator to be able to create global Filter Sets. Users can only apply the Filter Sets created by the administrator.
  • You want your users to be able to create their own filters sets, but not make them globally or publicly available to other users.
  • You want your users to be able to create their own Filter Sets, but the shouldn't be able to update or delete other user's Filter Sets.

Filter Sets handles authorization through Laravel's policies. Beyond Filament's normal policy methods, Filter Sets includes the following methods:

Policy methods

  • viewAll() is used to control who can view all of the users Filter Sets. If excluded, a user won't be able to view other user's private Filter Sets, just their own.
  • makePublic() is used to control who can make a Filter Set publicly available to the other users.
  • makeFavorite() is used to control who can add a Filter Set to their favorites. Usually this will be enabled for all users.
  • makeGlobalFavorite() is used to control who can make a Filter Set a global favorite for all users. Usually this would only be the admin.
  • selectIcon() is used to control if you want to allow your users to select an icon for a filter set.
  • selectColor() is used to control if you want to allow your users to select colors for a filter set.

Policy example

To make setting up these policies easy below we've included a sample Filter Set Policy. To implement this policy, first create your own policy:

php artisan make:policy FilterSetPolicy

Note: Even though Laravel should automatically detect your policy, it may be necessary to register it in App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider:

use App\Policies\FilterSetPolicy;
use Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Models\FilterSet;
protected $policies = [
FilterSet::class => FilterSetPolicy::class,

Locate the FilterSetPolicy that was created and replace the code inside with the code below. A few things to consider:


  1. This code assumes you are using the default User model and that it's located in the App\Models\ directory as has been default since Laravel 8.
  2. This code assumes you have a isAdmin() method on your user model. Modify as needed.
  3. Finally this sample policy code will apply the following policies:
Policies applied by sample code.
  1. All users will be able to access the Filter Set Resource in the sidebar so they can manage their filters.
  2. Only the admin(s) will be able to view all user's Filter Sets. Other users will only be able to see their own filters, and other user's public and global filters.
  3. All users can create Filter Sets.
  4. Only the admin(s) or the owner of the Filter set can view, update, or delete that Filter Set.
  5. Only the admin(s) can bulk delete Filter Sets.
  6. All users can make their Filter Sets public.
  7. All users can favorite their Filter Sets or other user's public Filter Sets.
  8. Finally, only the admin(s) can make a Filter Set a global favorite.

Adjust accordingly

Filter policy example

namespace App\Policies;
use App\Models\User;
use Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Models\FilterSet;
use Illuminate\Auth\Access\HandlesAuthorization;
class FilterSetPolicy
use HandlesAuthorization;
* Determine whether the user can view the Filter Set resource.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function viewAny(User $user)
return true;
* Determine whether the user can view other user's Filter Sets.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function viewAll(User $user)
return $user->isAdmin();
* Determine whether the user can view the Filter Set.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function view(User $user, FilterSet $filterSet)
return $user->isAdmin() || $user->id === $filterSet->user_id || $filterSet->is_public;
* Determine whether the user can create Filter Sets.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function create(User $user)
return true;
* Determine whether the user can update the Filter Set.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function update(User $user, FilterSet $filterSet)
return $user->isAdmin() || $user->id === $filterSet->user_id;
* Determine whether the user can delete the Filter Set.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function delete(User $user, FilterSet $filterSet)
return $user->isAdmin() || $user->id === $filterSet->user_id;
* Determine whether the user can delete the Filter Set.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function deleteAny(User $user)
return $user->isAdmin();
* Determine whether the user can make filters sets public.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function makePublic(User $user)
return true;
* Determine whether the user can add Filter Sets to the favorites bar.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function makeFavorite(User $user)
return true;
* Determine whether the user can create global filters sets.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function makeGlobalFavorite(User $user)
return $user->isAdmin();
* Determine whether the user can add icons to a filter set.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function selectIcon(Model $user)
return true;
* Determine whether the user can add colors to a filter set.
* @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function selectColor(Model $user)
return true;


Filter Sets offers multiple way to customize the plug-in to suit your needs. We've already discussed policies above, but here are a few other ways to customize Filter Sets.

Filter Sets Filter

You can change some of the Filter Sets filter setting using any of the following methods:

->label('Filter group') // default is 'Filter sets'
->placeholder('Select filter group') // default is 'Select filter set'
->optionsLimit(10) // default is 50
->createOptionModalHeading('New filter group') // default is 'New filter set'

Favorites Bar


Filter Sets ships with four different Favorite Bar themes see screenshots:

  1. Links
  2. Simple links (without the bottom border)
  3. Branded tabs (determined by your theme's primary color)
  4. Tabs (gray)

To switch between them, edit your config file:

'favorites' => [
* Select the theme you would like to use for your favorites bar.
* Option are:
* 1. links (default)
* 2. links-simple
* 3. tabs-brand
* 4. tabs
'view' => 'tabs',

Note: Since links-simple only has color to visually distinguish between active and in-active states, it is recommended you do not allow your users to select a color for their filter sets since it becomes difficult to know which tab/link is active.

Programmatically hide the favorites bar

If you would like to programmatically hide the favorite bar you can do so by overwriting the showFavorites() method in the List* class:

class ListProducts extends ListRecords
use HasFavorites;
protected function showFavorites(): bool
return true;

Hide the All tab

If you would like to programmatically hide All tab from the Favorites bar you can do so by overwriting the ShowAllTabInFavorites() method in the List* class:

class ListProducts extends ListRecords
use HasFavorites;
protected function showAllTabInFavorites(): bool
return true;

Setting an icon for the All tab/link

You can globally configure the icon for the All tab/link in the config file:

'favorites' => [
'view' => 'links',
'all_icon' => 'heroicon-o-view-list',

Alternatively, you can define your All icon independently in each resource by overriding getAllIcon() in your List or Manage pages:

protected function getAllIcon(): ?string
return 'heroicon-o-collection';

Setting the icon position

You can globally configure whether your icons are before or after the label in the config file:

'favorites' => [
'icon_position' => 'after', // default is 'before'

Alternatively, you can define the icon position independently in each resource by overriding getIconPosition() in your List or Manage pages:

protected function getIconPosition(): ?string
return 'after';

Setting the button size

You can globally configure the size of the links/button in the config file. Options are xs, sm, md, or lg

'favorites' => [
'size' => 'sm', // default is 'md'

Alternatively, you can define the button size independently in each resource by overriding getSize() in your List or Manage pages:

protected function getSize(): ?string
return 'sm';

Use a custom theme

Filter Sets compiles its CSS using Filament's default color scheme for its 'primary', 'success', 'warning', and 'danger' classes. If you have customized those colors in your app, set 'use_custom_themetotrue` in the config file:

'use_custom_theme' => true, // default false

Next you need to add the path to Filter Sets view resources to your tailwind.config.js file:

module.exports = {
content: [
// ...additional views

Next, import Filter Set's custom icon picker css to your filament.css file:

@import '../../vendor/filament/filament/resources/css/app.css';
@import '../../vendor/archilex/filament-filter-sets/resources/css/plugin.css'; <-- add this

Finally, run npm run dev or npm run build to compile your css file with Filter Sets additional classes.

Enabling or disabling colors from the color picker

Filter Set's color picker allows users to pick one of Filament's colors: primary, success, warning, and danger as well a secondary (gray) color. You can enable and disable these colors as you need. For example, out of the box Filament uses Tailwind's amber color for both primary and warning therefore warning is disabled by default so that users don't see the same color twice. If you are using a custom theme with different primary and warning colors, you probably want to enable the warning color in the config file.

'colors' => [
'primary' => true,
'success' => true,
'warning' => false,
'danger' => true,
'secondary' => true,

Disabling the color picker

You may disable the color picker in Filter Set's config file:

'forms' => [
'display_color_picker' => false,

or through a policy:

public function selectColor(Model $user)
return $user->isAdmin();

Disabling the icon select picker

You may disable the icon select picker in Filter Set's config file:

'forms' => [
'display_icon_select' => false,

or through a policy:

public function selectIcon(Model $user)
return $user->isAdmin();

Helper Text Display

The Filter Set creation modal's inputs have helperText to help guide your users. By default, the helper text for the Name and Filters fields are turned off, and the helper text for the toggle switches are turned on. To modify this, edit your config file:

'forms' => [
* The filter forms include helper text for each input. If you prefer not
* to display them you can do that here. You can edit the text by
* publishing the lang files.
'display_helper_text' => [
'name' => false, // default false
'filters' => false, // default false
'public' => true, // default true
'favorite' => true, // default true
'global_favorite' => true, // default true

Language Files

Each text field in Filter Sets has been added to the language file offering you even more control of the plug-in. You can publish the language files with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=filament-filter-sets-translations

This will copy the language files to your lang\vendor\filament-filter-sets directory. Currently 🇺🇸 English and 🇲🇽 Spanish are translated.

Customizing the Filter Set Resource

You can customize the Filter Set Resource by extending the the plug-ins FilterSetResource class. This will give you full access to all the methods and customizations such as navigation naming, grouping, etc., normally found on Filament's Resources.

To do customize the Filter Set Resource create a new class in your App\Filament\Resources called FilterSetResource which should then extend \Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Resources\FilterSetResource. Then disable the package’s resource in the config file:

'filter-set-resource' => [
'enabled' => false,

Some of the adjustments you can make by extending our Resource are:

namespace App\Filament\Resources;
class FilterSetResource extends \Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Resources\FilterSetResource
protected static ?string $navigationLabel = 'Filters';
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-adjustments';
protected static ?string $navigationGroup = 'Settings';
protected static ?int $navigationSort = 2;

Note: If you would like to change the Model name that appears above the table, you should modify the language file:

'resources' => [
'label' => 'Filter group', // default is Filter set
'plural_label' => 'Filters groups', // default is Filter sets

Developer-created Filter Sets (New!)

In addition to user-created Filter Sets that are generated by your end-users while using your application, developers can now programmatically create Filter Sets that can be deployed to all users. These developer-created Filter Sets live side by side with user-created Filter Sets in the Favorites Bar and are always visible to your users.

For more information on the difference between user-created and developer-created Filter Sets please refer to the section User-created vs Developer-created Filter Sets

Note: While developer-created Filter Sets were already on the road map, as I was developing the feature I discovered that Filament v3 has a similar feature called Tabs that will be available when it launches. The core Filament team was gracious to give Filter Sets permission to use a part of their implementation to jump start the development of this feature. Thank you Filament!

Programmatically creating a Filter Set

To programmatically create a Filter Set, add the getFilterSets() method to your List* or Manage* resource. Since developer-created Filter Sets display in the Favorites Bar, be sure to include use HasFavorites as well.

use Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Components\FilterSet;
use Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Concerns\HasFavorites;
class ListOrders extends ListRecords
use HasFavorites;
public function getFilterSets(): array
return [
->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('status', 'processing')),

The Filter Set query modifies your original eloquent query by applying whatever scopes and conditions you need.

Table Builder: Programmatically creating a Filter Set

If you are only using Table Builder you need to adapt getTableQuery() so it will work with the new developer-created Filter Sets:

protected function getTableQuery(): Builder
// return YourModel::query();
$query = YourModel::query(); // <- Assign your table query to a variable...
return $this->applyFilterSets($query); // <- ...and return it here.

Location, position, and order

Developer-created Filter Sets are shown as tabs/links in the Favorites Bar. They appear before any user-created Filter Sets and cannot be sorted by the end user. The sort order is determined by the order the developer lists them in code.

Adding an icon

Just like user-created Filter Sets, developer-created Filter-Sets may have icons:

->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('status', 'processing'))

Adding colors

Just like user-created Filter Sets, developer-created Filter-Sets may have colors. It may be either primary, secondary, success, warning or danger:

->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('status', 'processing'))

The icon position will follow the position you have set in your config file.

Showing or hiding

You may conditionally show or hide Filter Sets for certain users using either the visible() or hidden() methods, passing a closure:

->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('status', 'processing'))
->visible(fn (): bool => auth()->isAdmin())

You can also set up policies to manage visibility

->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('status', 'processing'))
->visible(fn (Order $record): bool => auth()->user()->can('viewProcessing', $record)),

And then in OrderPolicy:

public function viewNotProcessing(User $user)
return $user->isAdmin();

If your policy is not working, be sure to register it in AuthServiceProvider as sometimes Laravel does not successfully auto-register policies.

Toggled columns

Just like user-created Filter Sets, developer-created Filter Sets can toggle columns to display only the information you need. Any column not in the toggledColumns array will be toggled off.

->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('status', 'processing'))
->toggledColumns(['id', 'status', 'customer.name', 'created_at'])

Only columns that are toggleable in the resource can be toggled on or off.


If a column is sortable(), you may choose it as the default sort column for your Filter Set:

->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('status', 'processing'))

By default, sorting is ascending, but you may choose descending as well ->defaultSort('total_price', 'desc').

While it is possible to add orderBy() to your query to sort your table, using defaultSort() will correctly show the sorting indicator.

Loading a default developer-created Filter Set

You may load one of your developer-created Filter Sets as the default view when loading the page by using default():

->query(fn ($query) => $query->whereDate('created_at', Carbon::today())

default() can take a callback which can allow you to dynamically choose which filter set is the default based on the conditions you choose. The first filter set that return true will be what is loaded by default.

Note: Currently, this feature is limited to developer-created Filter Sets.

Persist the active developer-created Filter Set to Session

If you would like the currently active developer-created Filter Set to persist in the user's session, you should add the shouldPersistActiveSetInSession() method to your List* or Manage* resource.

protected function shouldPersistActiveSetInSession(): bool
return true;

Combining developer-created Filter Sets into a dropdown


If you have several developer-created Filter Sets you may combine them into a dropdown by adding showDeveloperFilterSetsAsDropdown() to your ListResource:

protected function showDeveloperFilterSetsAsDropdown(): bool
return true;

You may still choose to show some of your developer-created Filter Sets in the Favorites bar by adding favorite() to your Filter Set:

->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('status', 'delivered'))

Note: favorite() has no effect if you are not using the dropdown.

Note: At the moment the dropdown only supports developer-created Filter Sets as user-created Filter Sets can be chosen from the filter dropdown.

Preserving user selected filters, toggled columns, sort column, and sort direction

By default, when you click a developer-created Filter Set, the filters, toggled columns, sort column, and sort direction that a user has applied will be removed so that the view the developer has created will be applied. This is usually the desired behavior as developer-created Filter Sets are meant to be customized views into data. However in some instances, you may wish to preserve the users selected filters, columns, etc. To do this you may use preserveAll().

->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('status', 'processing'))

If you need more fine-grained control you may use the individual methods:

->query(fn ($query) => $query->where('status', 'processing'))

Note: By preserving a user's selection you are in turn removing the option for a developer-created Filter Set to always take a user to a predefined view as that view is now affected by the user.

Distinguishing between developer-created Filter Set and user-created Filter Set

Combining developer-created (predefined) filter sets with user-created filter sets has the potential of causing confusion with end-users if they build a filter set on top of a developer filter set. This is because a developer-created filter set applies "filters" in the query which then cannot be "turned off" by end-users. This plugin has multiple options you can use to mitigate these potential issues. These options can be enabled or disabled in the config file.

Disable filter set creation

You can disable the creation of filter sets all together when a developer-created Filter Set is selected. If you disable the creation, when a user clicks the button to create a Filter Set a Filament Notification will be displayed explaining that this action is not possible. The text of the notification can be configured in the lang file.

'can_create_using_developer_filter_sets' => true, // boolean, default is true

Display a divider line

You can optionally display a divider line between developer-created Filter Sets and user-created Filter Sets to help visually distinguish between the two.

'display_divider_in_favorites' => false, // boolean, default is false

Display a lock icon

You can optionally display an icon on the other side of a developer-created Filter Sets to help visually distinguish between the two.

'lock_icon' => null, // default is null, can be any heroicon such as 'heroicon-o-lock-closed'

Display helper text in the modal

Finally, you can display helper text in the modal that explains that the user has chosen a developer-created Filter Set as they base for their Filter Set and that the filtering applied in the developer-created set cannot be removed. This text can be configured in the lang file.

'display_helper_text' => false, // bool. default is false

Relation Managers (New!)

The Filter Sets now has full support for Relation Managers, including the Favorites Bar.

Just like a Resource, add the FilterSetFilter to your RelationManager

// Your other filters

If you want to display the Favorites Bar above your Relation Manager table you should include the HasFavorites trait.

use Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Concerns\HasFavorites;
class CommentsRelationManager extends RelationManager
use HasFavorites;

Filament Table Builder (New!)

Filter Sets now has full support for Filament Table Builder.

Filament Table Builder Requirements

Beyond the normal requirements, you must also have some type of user authentication system such as Laravel Breeze since each Filter Set belongs to the currently authenticated user.

Setting up Filament Filter Sets with Filament Table Builder

Following the installation instructions (excluding Setup).

Add the following line to the top of your app.css file:

@import '../../vendor/archilex/filament-filter-sets/resources/dist/filament-filter-sets.css';

Add the following line to the top of your app.js file:

import '../../vendor/archilex/filament-filter-sets/resources/dist/filament-filter-sets.js';

In the Filament Table where you want to use Filter Sets add FilterSetFilter to your getTableFilters method

use Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Filters\FilterSetFilter;
protected function getTableFilters(): array
return [
// your other filters

Setting up the Favorites Bar with Filament Tables

To use the Favorites Bar include it in your Filament Table component

use Archilex\FilamentFilterSets\Concerns\HasFavorites;
class ListUsers extends Component implements HasTable
use HasFavorites;

You also need to add the view component to your blade file:

<div class="space-y-6">
<x-filament-filter-sets::favorites-bar />
{{ $this->table }}

Setting up Developer-created Filter Set with Filament Tables

If you are using Table Builder you need to adapt getTableQuery() so it will work with the developer-created Filter Sets:

protected function getTableQuery(): Builder
// return YourModel::query();
$query = YourModel::query(); // <- Assign your table query to a variable...
return $this->applyFilterSets($query); // <- ...and return it here.

Managing Filter Sets

If you are using the admin panel, Filament Filter Sets comes with a FilterSetResource to easily manage all of your Filter Sets. If you are just using Filament Tables, you can recreate this table:

Create a new Livewire component

php artisan make:livewire ListFilterSets

Locate the ListFilterSets.php.stub file in the vendor\archilex\src\Http\Livewire folder and copy and paste its contents into your newly created ListFilterSets component

Next, add the getPluralModelLabel() method to the component. This will set the display name to easily identify which filters belong to which components. This method should also be added to all other components where you are using the FilterSetFilter

public static function getPluralModelLabel(): string
return 'Filter sets';

If you are going to be using the Favorites Bar, add the Favorites Bar view component to your component's blade view

<div class="space-y-6">
<x-filament-filter-sets::favorites-bar />
{{ $this->table }}

Finally add the route to routes/web.php.

Route::get('/filter-sets', App\Http\Livewire\ListFilterSets::class)->middleware(['auth', 'verified']);


Create a My Favorites tab for your users

To walk through the process of creating and managing Filter Sets, we'll create a My Favorites filter for the plug-in's Filter Set Resource. Not only will this give you an overview of the plug-in, but you'll also be creating a useful My Favorites tab so all your users can easily view and manage their favorited Filters Sets. (Not to mention you'll get some Inception-like vibes as we create a favorite Filter Set for the same Filter Set Resource 🤯)

Create the Filter Set

  1. Head over to Filter Sets in your sidebar. Right now there's just an empty table. Let's change that.
  2. Select the Filter icon in the table to open the Filter window.
  3. In the Is my favorite dropdown choose Yes to only show My favorites. Still nothing to show since we don't have any filters, but that's ok.
  4. Still in the Filter dropdown, Click the + icon next to Filter Sets.
  5. In the modal window, name the Filter Set "My favorites" and toggle on "Add to favorites". Leave the other settings off for now.
  6. Save the filter and now you have your first Filter Set! 👏

Make it global

  1. You'll notice that now you can see the Favorites Bar. Click the All tab to show all your filters. (Still just one though).
  2. It'll be nice for ALL users to have a My favorites tab in their Filter Set Resource. Click on the Globe icon under Global to toggle it on.
  3. By toggling on "Global" you just enabled this My favorites tab for all your users. Global favorites show up first in every user's favorite bar and they can't be turned off by the user, so use them sparingly. (If you're wondering, this filter is scoped to the individual user so they'll only see their favorites.)

Make it public

  1. Let's say you didn't want to force the My favorites tab on all your users but rather just make it available to them. To do this go and and toggle off Global and toggle on Public. By making a Filter Set public it will show up in other user's Filter Set Filter dropdown menu, where they can select and apply it if they wish.
  2. If you can log in as another user, log in and go to Filter Sets in the sidebar. You'll see this same filter, but you'll notice that My favorite is not toggled on since it's not a global favorite. In fact you won't see the Favorites Bar at all since this user doesn't have any favorites yet.
  3. Go to Filter dropdown and then the in the Filter Sets dropdown you'll see "My favorites" as a public Filter Set option. DON'T select it yet since this will filter the table to only show this user's favorite filters, which they don't have. This was just to show that Public filters show up in the Filter sets dropdown menu.
  4. Now, click the Star icon in the My favorite column of the table to make it a favorite of this user. Now the Favorites Bar will pop in and My favorites will be displayed.
  5. Click the My favorites tab and now it will filter the table by just that user's favorite filters.

Make it global again

  1. Since this is a useful favorites for your users, log back in as yourself and turn the Global setting back on.

🎉 Congratulations! You just created your first Filter Set!


Question? Bug? Feature request? Comment or suggestion? Email me at [email protected] or join us on #filter-sets on Discord. I'd love to hear from you.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



Single License

The Single License grants the Licensee permission to use Filament Filter Sets in a single project hosted on a single domain or subdomain. Examples include a personal website or a website for a single client.

If you would like to implement Filament Filter Sets in a SaaS application, you will need an unlimited license.

The single license grants permission for up to 5 Employees and Contractors of the Licensee to access and use Filament Filter Sets.

Unlimited License

The Unlimited License grants the Licensee permission to use Filament Filter Sets on unlimited domains and subdomains, including SaaS applications.

The unlimited license grants permission for up to 25 Employees and Contractors of the Licensee to access and use Filament Filter Sets.

Code Distribution

Filter Sets's licenses do not allow the public distribution of its source code. So, you may not build an application using Filter Sets and distribute that application publicly via open source repository hosting platforms or any other code distribution platform.


Unsure which license you need? Email us at [email protected] with your questions.